The Responsibilities of Tourist to Protect Environment

Nature provides the conditions for a healthy, secure and fulfilling existence. Among the many benefits people receive from nature are fresh water, food, protection, and spiritual enrichment that means it provides the whole life system upon which our well-being and economics depends. The potential impact of climate change on ecosystem diversity is overshadowed by the Overwhelming effect of human-induced modifications.
Now the business of tourism and environmental diversity is interrelated. Tourism forms the backbone of the economy in many local communities worldwide and but today, the observed impacts of climate changes are becoming increasingly and rapidly obvious and many tourism site are affected because of the form of changing seasons, abnormal weather, beach erosion, higher sea levels, greater damage from sea surges and storms, heat waves and reduced water supply, droughts, floods, marked changes in the behaviour of animals and plants and as well as impact of customs & cultures.  
Currently, the global rate of extinction is at least 100 times the natural rate, and an estimated 34,000 plant and 5,200 animal species face extinction. One in eight of all birds species, one quarter of all mammals and one third of all amphibians are endangered. This is not only the alarming news but also a concerning matter of every people. So every tourist as well as involved of tourism should knowledge of this change and have concerned that healthy and sound ecosystem are our best defense against the impact of this change.
As a traveler or tourist or visitor, you can show great awarenesses for Environment like that….

Before going the site that you visit, must well informed and learn about the culture and customs of the areas.

Don’t disturb Environment and respect to nature. Always follow the rules and discipline when you hike. Do not remove plants or feed animals, and never litter and never destroy the habitat. At the sea do not take any corals, shells, dried fish, starfish, sea-fans and other marine souvenirs - removal can seriously disrupt ecosystems. Navigation in reef water needs special care - do not anchor on reefs which can be easily damaged.
The tourist and visitor always noticed about the protected area. Get any necessary permits before visiting nature reserves or other protected areas. Leave these areas as you found them and do not disturb the wildlife there. It is also noted that visitor demand and tourist expenditures support existing protected areas and can lead to the protection of additional nature
View and photograph wildlife from a distance and remember that in the optimal wildlife viewing experience, the animal never knew you were there. Suppress the natural temptation to move too close and respect signs of distress such as alarm calls, distraction displays, laid-back ears, and raised hair.

Honor to local culture, traditions and religious places. Uncivil and insensitive behaviour such as taking photographs of people and historical structure without permission, shouting or failure to observe local customs, can cause offence. So never do any moral crime. Note that being nude or semi-nude in public is unacceptable and illegal in some countries (e.g. Islamic countries).

The 1st International Conference on Climate Change and Tourism, Convened and organized by the World Tourism Organization heard evidence that tourists' water consumption was far in excess of that of local residents and that much of the resulting water stress arises in regions and areas which already suffer from inherent water shortages. So every tourist should use water economically.

Conscious about the limited use of energy during traveling. Use of air conditioning and hot water as your need. Turn off all lights and taps when you leave hotel rooms.

Many personal products deteriorate the indoor quality as well as also outdoor when it doesn’t keep right place. Minimize your use of personal care products (i.e.; bleach) and detergents to wash linen, and reuse your hotel towels and bed-linen. Dispose of sanitary waste properly. Don't flush cotton buds, condoms, tampons and plastics down the toilet - or you might just find them on the beach next time you visit.

Reduce the impact of your recreational activities by avoiding sports which have a significant harmful impact on the environment or choose more progressive establishments (e.g. golf courses which recycle water).
Resources are limited, so return the newspapers, magazines and your beverage containers for refunds and for recycled and reduce the number of bags, napkins and disposable cups you use when you eat fast food.
Choose lodgings that have effective waste treatment systems, that recycle, that are energy efficient, and, where possible, that use environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar energy or hydroelectric power.

Don’t do such activities which break the rules and regulations like light fires, hard drinks, play songs loudly. It disturbs the nature and surrounding environment. So pay attention to signals and behave responsibly.

You can spend your vacation in your country which helps your country self reliant but when journey for holiday destination by aero plane you are contributing to significant emissions of carbon dioxide causing climate change. For example, air travel is the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions and therefore increases the risk of continued global warming. Currently, aircraft account for around 3% of all emissions globally. The International Panel on Climate Change expects this  to increase by up to 7% by 2050. Because emissions from other sectors are also expected to increase, this figure masks the increase in real terms: the actual tonnage of carbon emitted, driven by air traffic increase of 5% per year, will increase by over 75% by 2015. Concomitantly, from 698 million international travelers in 2000, numbers are forecast to leap to 1,018 million by 2010 and 1.6 billion by 2020. As a consequence, the role of air travel within the tourism industry is likely to expand, cause considerable environmental damage, and to have knock-on effects on the tourism industry itself. If you have to fly, consider buying carbon offsets to compensate for the emissions caused by your flight.

The 1st International Conference on Climate Change and Tourism, Convened and organized by the World Tourism Organization also clearly felt that the tourism industry shares some of the responsibility for road transport pollution. When you travel by any by route or water route transport, use train, bus or boat where many seats are allowed to seat on because single transport like microbus, private car contain less number passenger and use same fuel as use as bus or same types of big vehicles. This is called passenger efficiency of vehicles. So save fuel and save the Environment.
The entire tourism sites rely on a mixture of natural beauty, good weather and safe conditions to attract holiday-makers.
Climate change undoubtedly affects many destinations negatively. But we have to also concern that Tourism is not just a potential victim of climate change it is also contributes to its causes. Everybody is interested in economic development, but somehow we have to strike the balance between this development and the preservation of nature. So every tourist, traveler and authorities of tourism should aware of this change and respect to the whole Environment.

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